The PATCH unit will no longer mail out any PATCH check that is requested on the EPATCH web site. It will be the responsibility of the requestor to print out the No Record or Record response.
PATCH Helpline 1-888-QUERY-PA (1-888-783-7972)
All requests for Notarized copies of a Criminal Record Check MUST BE submitted by mail.
(Only used by pre-approved organizations)
Its purpose is to better enable the public to obtain criminal history record checks. The repository was created and is maintained in accordance with Pennsylvania's Criminal History Information Act contained in Chapter 91 of Title 18, Crimes Code. This Act also directs the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) to disseminate criminal history data to criminal justice agencies, non-criminal justice agencies and individuals on request. Criminal justice agencies can access all of an individual's criminal history record information (CHRI). Requests made by noncriminal justice agencies and individuals are subject to edit criteria contained in the law.
Dispositions on most criminal cases can be accessed by reviewing court docket sheets located at the Pennsylvania Judiciary web portal site: Clicking the "HELP" link on this page will provide information as to how to access the public docket sheets. However, public docket sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check, which can only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police.
The recommended web browsers for this site are Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.x-11.x, Microsoft Edge, Firefox version 60 or newer, or Chrome version 66 or newer using a 32 bit or 64 bit browser. All other web browsers or versions (such as Safari and Opera) are not supported. Web browsers need to accept cookies and have scripting enabled. Ensure that pop-up blockers are disabled.
PATCH Helpline 1-888-QUERY-PA (1-888-783-7972)